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DIY: Your Homecary box.

# Question I may be coining a new work here? What is in your a·Hom·e·car·y Or goto emergency always (hopefully) in stock Box.. I will do a Living Blog on mine soon. But here are a few items. 1) My medica only roll of shrink wrap. 2) my medica only bottle of ground Cayenne Pepper. 3) My medica only small bottle of honey. 4) an 8 oz bottle of DMSO and cotton pads. 5) Bottle of Castor Oil!! 6) my Medica only small jar of Coconut oil. 7) a small bag of Epsom Salt. 8) clean new small towels, washcloths new white sockets, a new roll of stretch wrap elastic bandage. Items 7-8 from Dollar store. Yes, there are a lot of Spices, Herbs, Teas, Tinctures, Prescription and OTC stuff, bandaids, etc in the house. But this is my Poultice (Edgar Cayce Plus) Homecary box. Fresh White Potato and Fresh Garlic have to come out of the Pantry. Why keep duplicates of household items? My life is a bit unorganized and this ensures I have these items ready to use at any...

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